- A special conversion module of 8-channels input that measures the mold cavity pressure of the injection molding machine.
- Relay box MPC-308B is prepared as an option. That is convenient for wiring between the amplifier and the sensor built into the metal mold of the injection molding machine. * Relay cable FA401-541-*M also as an option is required to use MPC-308B.
- The pressure value is monitored under the previously set condition, and in the event of a deviation outside the specified error limits, an alarm signal is issued via a digital output.
- The waveform of the pressure value converted into the analogue voltage is forwarded to the injection moulding machine.
- With the help of the enclosed PC software, the measuring signal of the sensors can be displayed in real time on the PC. The error limits for an alarm are also set via the PC program. It is also possible to evaluate real-time data and recorded measurement curves
More information: http://www.minebea-mcd.com/en/product/mold_system/index.html